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  • A maintenance release of Attribute Changer 10 is available and can be downloaded free of charge.

    It adds complete support for Windows High Contrast themes and fixes a localization issue with the date and time field’s context menu. Another bug prevented pasting date and time values from File Properties tab if the option to include sub-folders was not selected.

    If you find this program useful, please consider making a donation. Many thanks for your contribution!

  • A new major release of Attribute Changer is available with some cool new features.

    Under the hood, large parts of Attribute Changer have been rewritten. While it’s not visible for the end user, it’s important to do code cleanup and rewrite from time to time. You won’t either live 20 years in your house without doing housekeeping and renovation work.

    Filters are now evaluated by all features available in Attribute Changer. For example. it’s possible to redate folders with only a certain type of files or set of attributes etc. Have fun!

    Adding a missing DateTaken EXIF property to JPEG files was among the most requested features and here it is.

    · Lots of technical changes under the hood
    · Fixed missing translated strings in Reporting window
    · Fixed erroneous mousewheel scrolling in advanced options listbox
    · Make OK button the default
    · Photo tab is hidden if no JPEG file is selected
    · Simplified name exceptions management
    · Redate folder for non-recursive operation
    · Filter settings are applied to all features
    · Option to add ‘Date Taken’ if it does not exist.
    · Updated installer

    If you find this program useful, please consider making a donation. Many thanks for your contribution!

  • Using one of the advanced options ‘… value from file tab’ or ‘… value from folder tab’ always alters date AND time, even if one of both checkboxes is unchecked in the reference date and time field.

    This maintenance release of Attribute Changer fixes the issue.

  • Let’s begin the new year 2020 with a brand new major update of Attribute Changer. Version 9.50 is available as a free download and includes the following enhancements and changes:

    · Redate folder date based on oldest subfolder
    · Redate folder date based on newest subfolder
    · Option to enable/disable the ‘Change Attributes’ context menu
    · Detailed Reporting: Reorganised columns
    · Detailed Reporting: Use Listview for failed actions
    · Detailed Reporting: Create TAB separated export file for failed actions
    · Detailed Reporting: Autosize panels if failed actions occur
    · Retrieve common date and time values for selected files and folders
    · Unchecked ‘Include sub-folders and files’ does not process files in folder anymore
    · File properties tab is hidden if no action is requested
    · Remove Attribute Changer context menu from drives
    · Fixed main window not closing with ESC key
    · Fixed Processing not canceled with ESC key

    If you find this program useful, please consider making a donation. Many thanks for your contribution!

  • Attribute Changer celebrates its 20 year birthday.

    Initially, Attribute Changer was developed for personal use, but some friends convinced me to share it with the Internet community and I did not expect such a success over the years. Back in 1999, peaks of 50 monthly downloads were counted. Nowadays, an average of 16.200 downloads is counted per month from this site only.

    Ever wanted to have an idea what changed in Attribute Changer since version 1.0? Please have a look at the version history.

    Many thanks to you all! Without your support, Attribute Changer would not have reached this milestone.

  • I’m pleased to announce the availability of Attribute Changer 9.10. This version features a significant technical change that will impact all future releases of Attribute Changer.

    In fact, Attribute Changer was developed since the beginning in Delphi, but the direction taken by the new owner of this product makes it no more an option for the development of Attribute Changer.

    Version 9.10 is now developed using Lazarus/Freepascal and so will be all further releases. The shell extension has been converted from C++ to Freepascal.

    This release includes the following fixes and enhancements:

    · Option to reset user settings to default values
    · Context menu entry to paste selected date/time to all other date/time fields
    · Localized button captions in dialog boxes
    · ‘Paste Attributes’ button action now includes ‘Change name’ listbox
    · Log export now autogenerates filenames with date and time stamp
    · Warning dialog boxes now use localized button captions
    · More detailed messages for invalid user entries in input fields
    · Updated user guide

    With the new context menu entries, you are able to copy the selected date, time or both values and paste them to all other date or time fields.

    It may happen that a misconfiguration has been done and you’re unable to figure out what happened. The Reset button deletes all configuration data and Attribute Changer will load default values.

    I hope you enjoy this release as much as I did during development. Many thanks to all the beta testers for their valuable feedback, it’s much appreciated.

    If you find this program useful, please consider making a donation. Many thanks for your contribution!