The top most requested feature is finally here … Attribute Changer goes portable !
Attribute Changer 11.20 can now be used in two different ways, either as a shell extension or as a portable application. To use it as a portable application, launch the executable or shortcut from the Start menu.
Then, simply drop your files or folders onto the main window and Attribute Changer will act the same way you know it by using the ‘Change attributes’ context menu entry.
But you can go further … dragging the files while holding the “Control (CTRL)” key will give you access to enhanced features that are also available in the shell extension. You won’t loose any functionality.
After Attribute Changer has finished processing your dropped selection, you can keep the window open and drop another set of files and folders.
Two installers are available, the classic one which installs the whole application with Start menu shortcuts, but you can now choose if you would like to install the shell extension. This gives you the choice to install Attribute Changer as an application that can only be launched from a shortcut and remove the shell integration.
A second installer does only extract the files to a folder of your choice, so it’s a true portable application.
Version 11.20 includes the following enhancements:
· Make Attribute Changer portable
· Saving main window position (portable mode)
· Context menu for attribute checkboxes
· Add option to make Attribute Changer stay in front
· Option to select/deselect shell extension in installer
· Fix EXIF issue with IPTC segment
· Updated user guide
If you find this program useful, please consider making a donation. Many thanks for your contribution!
2 responses
How can I change created and modified dates of a bunch of photos to each own photo date instead of a fixed value for all?
Please use the advanced mode in Attribute Changer. Click on the icon on the right of the Created/Modified time field and choose ‘Picture date and time from JPEG’ in the listbox.
Do not forget to select the ‘Files only’ radio button for ‘What to process’.