I’m pleased to announce that Attribute Changer 9 is available as a free download. It includes some most requested features from users, such as:
· Capitalize Name / Extension / Name and extension
· Redate folder date based on oldest file
· Redate folder date based on newest file
· Enable or disable strict mode for randomization of dates
· Modify symbolic links and junctions and not the target anymore

IMPORTANT INFO: In Attribute Changer 9, the “Include sub-folders” option on the “File Properties” tab has been removed. Due to the new advanced features “Redate with newest file” and “Redate with oldest file”, a full scan of all files is always required and the option did not make sense anymore. Use the “Include sub-folders” option on the “Folder Properties” tab to enable recursive processing of folders.
Please have a look at the version history to discover all the enhancements made in Attribute Changer 9.
This version does not support Windows XP and Vista anymore. Attribute Changer 8.70 will remain available from this website if you are still using these versions of Windows.
If you find this program useful, please consider making a donation. Many thanks for your contribution!