Attribute Changer

  • A maintenance release of Attribute Changer 11.30 is available and can be downloaded free of charge.

    It fixes an issue that prevented reading EXIF information when an invalid tag was present in the EXIF header of a JPEG image.

    If you find this program useful, please consider making a donation. Many thanks for your contribution!

  • The updated Portuguese-Brazilian translation has been added to the Attribute Changer 11.30b installer. If you want to change the language of an existing installation, simply redownload the installer and choose the new language during the installation process.

    The installer then takes care to update the translated files and shortcuts.

  • Attribute Changer celebrates its 25 year birthday 🎉👏🏻

    Many thanks to you all! Without your support, Attribute Changer would not have reached this milestone. Nowadays, an average of 22.000 downloads per month is counted from this site only.

    Ever wanted to have an idea what changed in Attribute Changer since version 1.0? Please have a look at the version history.

  • Update: If you experience an issue with the “Always on top” feature, please redownload the installer.

    A maintenance release of Attribute Changer 11.30 is available and can be downloaded free of charge.

    It includes the following changes:

    · Unable to retrieve saved settings in portable mode
    · Readjust value for time fields when keeping AC open in portable mode
    · Wrong path for application icon if custom destination path is selected
    · Enable all options in Settings tab in portable mode

    Dutch translation has been added to the installer.

    If you find this program useful, please consider making a donation. Many thanks for your contribution!

  • A maintenance release of Attribute Changer 11.30 is available and can be downloaded free of charge.

    It fixes several issues:

    · Name filters were not correctly saved when closing the application
    · Crash when files or folders stored at the root of a drive had very long names
    · Crash when multiple running instances were closed from Windows Taskbar
    · Reset action did not delete “Attribute Changer” root key from registry

    If you find this program useful, please consider making a donation. Many thanks for your contribution!

  • In Windows, filenames and paths are historically limited to MAX_PATH which is defined as 260 characters. Windows API calls are therefore also limited to this number of characters. However, there is a way to bypass this limitation by using a special naming convention and to allow a maximum path length of 32767 characters.

    Attribute Changer is using the standard Unicode API calls and therefore limited to 260 characters for a complete path and I got feedback from customers that they were not able to modify files with path lengths going beyond these 260 characters.

    To resolve this problem, I changed the application to prefix the local file operations with “\\?\” and network operations with “\\?\UNC\”. By adding a prefix, Windows is able to return an extended path length of up to 32767 characters when using Unicode API calls.

    More information can be found at Maximum Path Length Limitation

    Attribute Changer is now able to process very long file paths with success.

    If you find this program useful, please consider making a donation. Many thanks for your contribution!